Project ARISE
Students who have been accepted into the Master of Arts (MA) in Special Education + Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) Preliminary Teacher Credential, or the Master of Social Work + Pupil Personnel Services Credential (PPSC) can apply to participation is Project ARISE (Adversity and Resiliency Interventions for Social Emotional Development in Early Childhood).
Project ARISE is a five-year personnel preparation project supported by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs (Grant # H325K0145000, 2022-2026). The co-directors of the project are Drs. Maryssa Mitsch (ECSE) and Erica Bosque (SW). The aim of Project ARISE is to recruit and co-train 18 scholars from ECSE and SW respectively over 3 cohorts (36 scholars total). Scholars across the two disciplines will learn to work collaboratively to provide high quality, evidence-based services to young children with high-intensity social emotional needs requiring early childhood mental health (ECMH) supports through collaborative and inclusive services. Project ARISE scholars will be prepared to deliver family-centered, racially and ethnically responsive, and child welfare-focused services for young children and their families.
The program will fill a critical need for highly-qualified professionals of diverse sociocultural backgrounds to support the learning and development of ALL young children with social emotional needs requiring early childhood mental health (ECMH) and inclusive support.
Project Arise Info Session for Potential Scholars
Program Requirements
As part of Project ARISE, students will take shared coursework, participate in shared learning opportunities, and coordinated field experiences. Throughout the program, scholars will be provided individualized peer mentoring and advising support.
After the successful completion of the program, ECSE scholars will meet the requirements for a Master of Arts (MA) in Special Education, Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) Preliminary Teacher Credential, and Trauma-Informed Social Work Practice with Children and Families Graduate Certificate issued by San Francisco State University. Likewise, SW scholars will meet the requirements for a Master of Social Work, Pupil Personnel Services Credential (PPSC), and Inclusive Early Childhood Practices Graduate Certificate issued by San Francisco State University.

Post-Graduation Service Obligation
Within five years after graduation, trainees are required to satisfy a service obligation in return for the scholarship assistance they received.
Stipend Support
The majority (65%) of the funds for Project ARISE is devoted to trainee support in the form of stipends. It is expected that 36 scholars (18 ECSE and 18 SW) will be accepted into the program each project year. Scholars will received a stipend each semester of their respective ECSE or SW program.
Applying to Project ARISE
Students who have been accepted to the ECSE Program and who are interested in applying for Project ARISE should contact Dr. Maryssa Mitsch at Students who have been accepted to the MSW Program and who are interested in applying for Project ARISE should contact Dr. Erica Bosque at for more information, or to obtain an application.
Step 1: Complete Project ARISE Application
Step 2: Gather required documents:
- Personal statement
- Current resume
- Two letters of reference
Step 3: Rename all required documents using "first letter, last name_title of document." For example, "EBosque_Personal Statement".
Step 4: Submit all required documents to the secure Box portal, Project ARISE Application Submission Portal
More information will be shared soon.